Also smell it, as old fuel smells like varnish, different than fresh fuel. If it doesn't start, pull one of the spark plugs and check to see if it is wet with fuel. With kill switch in RUN, tank fuel valve on RES (reserve), full choke and holding throttle wide open, crank for a few seconds. Use jumper cables or a jump pack to get the engine turning over well. Old gas tanks get lots of rust and crud in them. If you haven't yet, you probably should change the fuel filter. Check/clean main hot wire at starter relay, and ground wire is tight and undamaged. Simple things first Make sure Kill switch is in RUN position Made sure bike is in neutral If bike has a center stand, put it up on center stand and put kickstand up Make sure all fuses are good.

If you want to keep and work on this (or any) bike, get a service manual! Preferably the Factory one! The V30 uses the same engine, except the cams are different. I know every nut and bolt on mine, down to and including the connecting rods. Wiseco used my engine for their piston development. I've owned a VF500F since 1984, one of the first 400 in the U.S.